

ARTWORK: Komorebi

Komorebi (Japanese: sunlight shining through trees) is an outdoor sound installation by Matteo Marangoni & Dieter Vandoren. The work consists of a swarm of 100 artificial creatures that make music in response to the sun, the clouds and the shadows of the trees moving in the wind. Spread across a grassy clearing inside the local park in Struer, we are invited to listen to the music that is generated in real time by the swarm. 

Similar to swarm intelligence found in large colonies of ants, schools of fish or flocks of birds, the Komorebi creatures are programmed as individual agents capable of interacting with each other and with their immediate surroundings. Not with the purpose of finding food or building nests, but instead generating music that responds to the changes that are constantly occurring in nature.

Thus, the work reflects on the relationship between organic and artificial life, and the importance of listening to a world to which we are inextricably connected.

Alongside the installation in the park, an indoor version of the work can be found at the former slaughterhouse, Dansk And, featuring artificial light, ficus trees, ventilators and the electronic creatures.

Matteo Marangoni works in the intersection of DIY electronics, robotics and storytelling. Dieter Vandoren comes from a diverse background in music, IT and experimental architecture. For the past ten years, the two artists have collaborated on a series of spatial and audio-visual projects exploring artificial life and the collective behaviour of self-organised systems. At Struer Tracks, Matteo & Dieter will present Komorebi, a swarm of artificial creatures that make music in response to the sun, the clouds and the shadows of trees moving in the wind.

place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST. place: Lystanlægget / date: 23. - 27. AUGUST.